
WOD for January 3, 2017

Strength/Skill: 3 rounds of 20 DB squat cleans and 10 ring dips

20 DB snatches (10 each arm 30/20)
30 KBS (53/35)
30 Squats


WOD for January 2, 2017

Strength/Skill: 5-5-3-3-1 Shoulder Press

WOD: Partner WOD
Row 5000m (switch as needed)
Score is DUs completed during the row


WOD for December 1, 2016

Strength/Skill: One arm DB and KB full snatches

WOD: Row 1500m then:
GHD back extensions
Wallballs (20/14)
Box Jumps


WOD for December 18, 2014 – Sandy Hook WOD

Strength/Skill: 10 parallette pass throughs and 20 sit ups for 3 rounds


WOD: Sandy Hook WOD
26 KBS (70/53)
25 DUs
26 Box Jumps (30/24)
26 DUs
26 Pull-ups
26 DUs
26 Power Cleans (136/95)
26 DUs
26 Jerks
26 DUs

Athlete Profile

Why should I compete?

So, we just finished hosting and running the second annual Winter WODerland competition. Not only did we have seven members compete, we also had many of our members come out to cheer as well as help run the event. Here are the competitors from CrossFit Sting:
ww group

Why should I complete? I will be the first to admit that competition isn’t for everyone. Or is it? When you hear the word “competition” you immediately think of winning and losing, a clear winner among two or more people. For some people this is truly why they compete. They want the title of being the ultimate winner, they want the bragging rights, the prize. That tangible prize, just like living to make a lot of money and have material things is not what will make you happy. The more I am involved in CrossFit the more I have seen and learned to compete with myself and not those around me. To not be better than someone else but to better myself. In fact, one of our own members said to me yesterday, “I don’t compete to win, I know I am not the fastest or strongest but I have my own goals for each competition that I set and try to achieve them.” How awesome is this? She said she was even in line waiting for her heat and asking those around her what their goals were. Cammie you are so amazing! I hope they learned something from you. Here she is meeting her goal in a competition in April.

If you are only signing up to compete to win and come away with the top prize then be prepared to be let down. We can’t all pitch a perfect game, one team or individual cannot win 100% of the time. We don’t all win and we don’t all get a trophy, sorry kids of today. You can however set goals and work on them, even in a competition. Maybe the first goal is to just sign up and follow through and actually compete that day, without throwing up. I am kidding about the throwing up, well sort of. CrossFit competitions are like no other. Everyone is cheering for everyone. The person in last place usually gets the most people cheering the loudest for them. It still amazes me when I see this. So, next time the opportunity presents itself think hard about stepping out of your comfort zone and seeing what a competition is like. Set a goal for that competition and be happy to meet that goal. I promise you will have fun, learn a little something about yourself and it might make you a little less competitive in chasing just that materialistic prize.

If this guy has no excuses than neither should you! He competed in the scaled division Saturday with no difficulties. Here he is snatching 75# for 20reps with one arm! Follow him on instagram @sngl_handedly! Photo credit FotoLab Photography and Design.


Here are a few more pictures of the competitors having fun:







Here is a link to more pictures..

Athlete Profile

Meet Member Tammy


Name: Tammy Hart

Age: 34

Occupation: Daycare owner (Tammy owns a Discovery Point daycare, so if you’re in need of child care check them out. It’s on Highway 9 near Midway on the Alpharetta/Cumming border.)

Previous workout/exercise history before starting CrossFit? Very typical spin classes and boot camps. I realized when I was at the YMCA and went from spin to boot camp then needed to do weights something needed to change. People looked at me like I was crazy for actually wanting to get a good workout in. I had heard of CrossFit while I lived in South Carolina and really wanted to try it but never really looked into it.

CrossFitting Since: July 2013

How did you learn about CrossFit Sting? I saw how much fun Joe was having on all of his Facebook posts. Especially when he survived Murph!!!!! I knew I had to try it. (Hmmm….I am not sure Joe would classify his experience as fun, right Joe?  However, thanks for the PR and showing Tammy what CrossFit is all about.)

Was it love at first WOD? No!!!! I thought I was in great shape but I wasn’t. I’ve come a long way and want a lot more.  (Don’t let Tammy fool you she did great in her intro and first few weeks.  But of course, CrossFit can be tailored to anyone’s fitness level.)

Favorite WOD or movements? Hero WODs and EMOTM. The longer the WOD the better.

Least favorite WOD or Movements? Farmer carries and T2B

Favorite CrossFit Sting moment? When I learned how to kip watching Jessica in front of me during a WOD.

Describe your experience here. I absolutely love being apart of the hive. You get out of it what you put in. You can work out anywhere but it’s very special when you find somewhere that you actually want to be and people that care about you.  (We are glad you found us.  Yes, another benefit to CrossFit is the community of people that develops that becomes like a family and also holds you accountable to put your health as a priority.)

Why do you CrossFit? I could never go back to a traditional gym. If I did I would still do whatever CrossFit moves they would allow. I’ve never been in better shape. I love the constantly varied moves, I’ll never get bored.

Tell us something new about you that we don’t already know? My husband and I have been married for 11 years. He was forced into CrossFit after seeing how much I loved it. Now he’s just as addicted as I am. Our three children love it also. I know my neighbors think I’m crazy as I have them doing drills in the yard and they’re asking for more with smiles on the they’re faces.  (New nickname, Drill Sargent Tammy?  Seriously though this is one fit family and we love having ALL of you in our programs.  Tammy’s kids are regulars in our kids classes and did both camps this summer.)