Athlete Profile

Athlete Profile – Hannah!


Name: Hannah

Age: 35

Occupation: Preschool teacher

Previous workout/exercise history before starting CrossFit? I did circuit training for about a year then tried it on my own at a large gym. I was going about 3-4 times a week but didn’t see much progress.

CrossFitting Since: I started in Jan of 2015

How did you learn about CrossFit Sting? My boss/friend told me about it and talked me into going.

Was it love at first WOD? Yes it was! I love to lift weight but not a big fan of cardio and for me this is a great combination of the two.

Favorite WOD or movements? I love EMOTM!!! (That mean Evey Minute on the Minute) Love deadlifts, power cleans, over head squats

Least favorite WOD or Movements? Hate burpees!!!  (Make that ALL types of burees, right?)

Favorite CrossFit Sting moment? Describe your experience here.
The moment you think you can’t do something and then everyone is cheering you on and your coaches are telling you that you can! This was squat cleans for me and my last PR was 105, I knew I could do more just had to remember to squat under the bar. After multiple attempts and extra coaching I finally got 115lb!!! I was sooo excited.

Why do you CrossFit? I love it! It pushes me to do more. I always leave feeling like I’ve had the best workout. I’m seeing results in my body that I’ve wanted for a long time and I love my crossfit family! And it’s fun!!!

Tell us something new about you that we don’t already know? Over the past couple of years I have struggled with finding myself and being happy again. After 3 kids and a divorce my weight has been on a roller coaster ride along with my self esteem. Finding crossfit has been the best thing for me. I have found my happy place, my balance in life, and my body is on its way to being what I want it to be. I’m a happier and healthier person for my kids and myself.

hannah family

Love all of this and we are so happy that you have found CrossFit Sting.  Your last statement is what it is ALL about, “I’m a happier and healthier person for my kids and myself.”  

Athlete Profile

Why should I compete?

So, we just finished hosting and running the second annual Winter WODerland competition. Not only did we have seven members compete, we also had many of our members come out to cheer as well as help run the event. Here are the competitors from CrossFit Sting:
ww group

Why should I complete? I will be the first to admit that competition isn’t for everyone. Or is it? When you hear the word “competition” you immediately think of winning and losing, a clear winner among two or more people. For some people this is truly why they compete. They want the title of being the ultimate winner, they want the bragging rights, the prize. That tangible prize, just like living to make a lot of money and have material things is not what will make you happy. The more I am involved in CrossFit the more I have seen and learned to compete with myself and not those around me. To not be better than someone else but to better myself. In fact, one of our own members said to me yesterday, “I don’t compete to win, I know I am not the fastest or strongest but I have my own goals for each competition that I set and try to achieve them.” How awesome is this? She said she was even in line waiting for her heat and asking those around her what their goals were. Cammie you are so amazing! I hope they learned something from you. Here she is meeting her goal in a competition in April.

If you are only signing up to compete to win and come away with the top prize then be prepared to be let down. We can’t all pitch a perfect game, one team or individual cannot win 100% of the time. We don’t all win and we don’t all get a trophy, sorry kids of today. You can however set goals and work on them, even in a competition. Maybe the first goal is to just sign up and follow through and actually compete that day, without throwing up. I am kidding about the throwing up, well sort of. CrossFit competitions are like no other. Everyone is cheering for everyone. The person in last place usually gets the most people cheering the loudest for them. It still amazes me when I see this. So, next time the opportunity presents itself think hard about stepping out of your comfort zone and seeing what a competition is like. Set a goal for that competition and be happy to meet that goal. I promise you will have fun, learn a little something about yourself and it might make you a little less competitive in chasing just that materialistic prize.

If this guy has no excuses than neither should you! He competed in the scaled division Saturday with no difficulties. Here he is snatching 75# for 20reps with one arm! Follow him on instagram @sngl_handedly! Photo credit FotoLab Photography and Design.


Here are a few more pictures of the competitors having fun:







Here is a link to more pictures..

Athlete Profile

Meet Member Peter


Name: Peter ‘Guns’ Kallos (or Peter “Short shorts” Kallos)

Age: 38

Occupation: Software Developer

Previous workout/exercise history before starting CrossFit? Some weightlifting, rollerblading, brazilian jiu jitsu

CrossFitting Since: January 2013

How did you learn about CrossFit Sting? My wife had already been a member for a month or so and was harassing me to join. I figured if she could do it and come back unharmed I should give it a shot.

Was it love at first WOD? I didn’t die. And I enjoyed some of it, so I came back to not die some more. And now I enjoy more of it. (Peter is acutally super strong and jumps on the box with the softest jump I have ever seen.  I think he has springs in those calves.)

Favorite WOD or movements? Cleans and Snatches. There’s a combination of skill/strength/luck/breakfast that goes into it that is fun and always keeps it a mystery.  (You forgot to mention how much you love AMRAPs.  That stands for “as many rounds as possible”.  Peter is a big fan of those since you can work at whatever pace you would like instead of having to finish a certain amount of work to be finished.)

Least favorite WOD or Movements? For movements, that would be Thrusters or Burpees or anything repeated an excessive amount of time, like 100. For WOD, that will be “Air Force”. I will turn around and leave if I come in and see that on the whiteboard. (Hey that one is only 20 reps of a movement before moving on to the next movement.  We will be sure to program that very soon for you.)

Favorite CrossFit Sting moment? Every time I’m done exercising when I get to lay on the floor like a fat beached seal and roll around in front of the fan.

Why do you CrossFit? To survive past my 50’s. Someone once told me that there’s old people, and there’s fat people, but there’s no fat old people. And looking around, I believe they are correct. My health had gotten pretty bad, with continual doctor visits, surgeries, procedures for things that in hindsight were avoidable/unnecessary if I had lost weight and started eating healthier sooner. It’s also entertaining. I get bored easily, so I can’t really stick to any non-interactive type of exercise like a regular gym membership.

Tell us something new about you that we don’t already know? Oh, I think you probably know it all already.  (Besides being a comedian and having one of the biggest hearts, Peter (and his wife Emily, are talented photographers.  They have a photography business on top of their full time jobs and they do AMAZING work.  Be sure to check them out at  

Athlete Profile

Meet Member Heather!



Name: Heather Morris

Age: 37

Occupation: Labor and Delivery RN (Heather was actually the RN for one of our members’ delivery!  Some crazy girl was determined to delivery naturally 🙂 ) 

Previous workout/exercise history before starting CrossFit? Not much. A few classes at the gym. Some bike riding. Nothing to get excited about.

CrossFitting Since: I think Oct or Nov 2013

How did you learn about CrossFit Sting? Kara Schramm. We worked together and she used to show me pictures. I thought no way! Then someone else talked me into going to an intro class.  (The interesting thing was that Heather came in with about 3 other co-workers.  She may have struggled the most at the beginning but she has been the ONLY one that has stuck around.  I love your commitment!)

Was it love at first WOD? NO!!! I struggled and realized I was not in shape at all. But, I also new I wanted to come back for more.

Favorite WOD or movements? Double unders. I’m not great at them but they make me smile  (You should be very proud of this.  For those that do not know a double under is when you jump rope and the rope passes under you two times in one jump.  There are many experienced CrossFitters that cannot do DUs.).

Least favorite WOD or Movements? BURPEES and wall balls. And that’s all I have to say about that.  (Heather forgot to mention that not only does she HATE burpees but she seems to always pick the days to come with burpees.  She never checks the WOD before she comes in so she never cherry picks.  Also, her schedule only allows her to come a few days a week and inevitably there is always some type of burpee.) 

Favorite CrossFit Sting moment? It was one of my first WODs after signing up. 5 rounds of I don’t even know. And of course Burpees. I was at the end. About 10 Burpees to go and I couldn’t even push myself off the floor. My arms were Jello. I wanted to give up and almost did. The girls in the class cheered me on and gave words of support. And then, Cammie stood beside and said lets do this together. She did every last Burpee by my side and didn’t let me give up. When I finished, I cried. I knew I had found my place.  (I remember this so clearly too and it is, in fact, one of my favorite moments at CrossFit Sting too.  This is what it is all about, people encouraging and supporting each other no matter if you’re slow or fast, beginner or veteran.)

Why do you CrossFit? To turn my life around. Be healthy and strong. Many people told me I couldn’t do it because I’m not an athlete. We’ll at Crossfit, I feel like an athlete. (Never listen to those other people and never listen to that little voice in your head that says, “stop” or “you can’t do this.”  You ARE and athlete for sure.)

Tell us something new about you that we don’t already know? Some already know this. I’m doing a half Iron Man in October. One year ago I couldn’t run a mile. Now, I’m going to check this off my list. (Awesome, so proud of you and your Sting family will be cheering you along the way.)

Athlete Profile

Meet Member Tammy


Name: Tammy Hart

Age: 34

Occupation: Daycare owner (Tammy owns a Discovery Point daycare, so if you’re in need of child care check them out. It’s on Highway 9 near Midway on the Alpharetta/Cumming border.)

Previous workout/exercise history before starting CrossFit? Very typical spin classes and boot camps. I realized when I was at the YMCA and went from spin to boot camp then needed to do weights something needed to change. People looked at me like I was crazy for actually wanting to get a good workout in. I had heard of CrossFit while I lived in South Carolina and really wanted to try it but never really looked into it.

CrossFitting Since: July 2013

How did you learn about CrossFit Sting? I saw how much fun Joe was having on all of his Facebook posts. Especially when he survived Murph!!!!! I knew I had to try it. (Hmmm….I am not sure Joe would classify his experience as fun, right Joe?  However, thanks for the PR and showing Tammy what CrossFit is all about.)

Was it love at first WOD? No!!!! I thought I was in great shape but I wasn’t. I’ve come a long way and want a lot more.  (Don’t let Tammy fool you she did great in her intro and first few weeks.  But of course, CrossFit can be tailored to anyone’s fitness level.)

Favorite WOD or movements? Hero WODs and EMOTM. The longer the WOD the better.

Least favorite WOD or Movements? Farmer carries and T2B

Favorite CrossFit Sting moment? When I learned how to kip watching Jessica in front of me during a WOD.

Describe your experience here. I absolutely love being apart of the hive. You get out of it what you put in. You can work out anywhere but it’s very special when you find somewhere that you actually want to be and people that care about you.  (We are glad you found us.  Yes, another benefit to CrossFit is the community of people that develops that becomes like a family and also holds you accountable to put your health as a priority.)

Why do you CrossFit? I could never go back to a traditional gym. If I did I would still do whatever CrossFit moves they would allow. I’ve never been in better shape. I love the constantly varied moves, I’ll never get bored.

Tell us something new about you that we don’t already know? My husband and I have been married for 11 years. He was forced into CrossFit after seeing how much I loved it. Now he’s just as addicted as I am. Our three children love it also. I know my neighbors think I’m crazy as I have them doing drills in the yard and they’re asking for more with smiles on the they’re faces.  (New nickname, Drill Sargent Tammy?  Seriously though this is one fit family and we love having ALL of you in our programs.  Tammy’s kids are regulars in our kids classes and did both camps this summer.)


Psychological or physical?


So, I read something today that another box owner posted on their Facebook status that really resonated with me. It was a quote from Greg Glassman, the founder of CrossFit and it said , “The most committed in the gym are going there for psychological reasons, not physical.”

I have heard from so many members that their time in the box is their “me time”. If they are having a bad day or have a lot on their mind they come into the box and all is forgotten. Maybe just for the hour they are there, but they feel better when they walk out. They feel better mentally. Mom’s have told me that they are a better mom since starting CrossFit and even a few husbands and wives have thanked us for keeping their significant others sane and more patient. Coming to the box is the highlight of their day. I know I shouldn’t be surprised by this because I always felt the same way.

We all come to the box for many reasons. I think initially you come with the goal to get in better shape, to be stronger, to look better naked, lose weight or even gain weight. These are all great things and of course, lead to being a healthier person. Call me crazy but the person who tells me they have become calmer and more patient and handles stress better makes me even more proud to be helping people. Mental health leads to physical health and they go hand in hand. I think the people that come in the most probably did it initially for the physical reasons, only to find out now they need it more for psychological reasons, and the physical results are icing on the cake. This is why we all become those obsessive CrossFit people. We cant stand to miss a WOD. That all we talk about is CrossFit. It’s a cult. Well, something that makes you feel this good mentally and physically should be talked about and shared. The community helps foster the psychological benefits and that can’t be duplicated by the globo gyms claiming to have CrossFit type classes. Members and coaches support each other mentally and physically.

Many of you know where Jessica and I came from and how when we opened the box we were under enormous stress. Many of you may not know. When we opened we were not only running a Crossfit box but we were running a therapy company full time as well. Jessica and I are licensed Occupational Therapists. CrossFit had been a part of our life for a few years and it helped relieve the stress of dealing with insurance companies, the healthcare system, employees and all the other things running a business entails. We were one of the lucky ones that took a chance on opening a business at a young age and we were doing something that we loved. Well, after 15 years it wasn’t fun anymore. It was stressful and it was making us both sick. Thankfully, we had an outlet with CrossFit much like you all are now getting to experience. However, it just wasn’t enough. We didn’t just wake up on day and decide “hey we should open a CrossFit.” We joked about it a lot, talked about it with friends and in fact we talked to the owner of our old box quite often too. Things were changing and not getting better at our therapy clinic, stress was high and things were different at the box we belonged to. Our friend, the owner of the box left. We didn’t have the same outlet that we needed for our mental health. The time was now or never so we made a plan and took the plunge.

We opened CrossFit Sting last October all while still working and running our therapy clinic full-time. Talk about stress! We weren’t getting in enough WODs and stress was mounting. We couldn’t wait until Thursdays to get there because we could just be at the box 3-4 days in a row, the therapy clinic was closed on Fridays. Then the dreaded time would come to return to the therapy job and we would feel physically sick again. Our plan was to continue running both jobs until our lease was up on the clinic. That would have been July 2014! Well life is short and we decided something had to change. We were stressed beyond belief with two businesses and had a lot going on personally too with our family.

It’s amazing what happens when you just tell it like it is, communicate with people and just ask for what you want and need. We sat down with our landlord of the therapy clinic and had this whole plan of exactly what to say and we were ready to negotiate. Well, to our utter shock and surprise he looked at us and said, “we won’t hold you accountable, you’ve been good tenants and we want to help you in any way we can.” Amazing! I actually cried tears of relief! We were free to walk away from our lease with no penalties, nothing! Next, was to break the news to the employees. Wow, to our surprise they were amazing too. They knew what we had been dealing with and we worked together to help each other in the best way we could. We feel like we always treated our employees how we would want to be treated. I think that helped with their understanding and taking the news that they were losing a job and knowing that we would be helping them and looking out for them.

Fast forward to today. I’m committed to daily WODs again and mentally I feel great. My last vacation to the CrossFit games in July was the only time I can remember being on vacation and not really dreading coming home. In fact, I missed work, yep I said it…. I missed work! Thank you all for giving me a job that I once again love. I hope you all are lucky enough to feel the same both in your personal and professional lives. Don’t settle, don’t sit back being miserable and just let life pass you by. I know for a fact that money doesn’t buy happiness. I’m not just being corny and saying this, I have lived it. I have had years making money where I could just buy what I wanted and not ever have to have a budget. I have never lived outside my means which helped. Now I need to be much more careful and budget and plan but its ok, because I am truly happy!

Like Coach Glassman said, “the most committed in the gym are going there for psychological reasons, not physical.” Well, I know that certainly rings true for me. Our box helps me mentally and physically whether I am coaching or training. What about you?


Athlete Profile

Meet Member Kathie!


Name: Kathie Florence

Age: 44

Occupation: BOSS at being Mama!!! hehe

Previous workout/exercise history before starting CrossFit? I did Gymnastics in High School, walked for years, and took up running about a year ago!

CrossFitting Since:January 2013

How did you learn about CrossFit Sting? Aprana Satyu ( she harassed me until I came and did a workout) Kathie really was “all in” right from the start and there has been no looking back.

Was it love at first WOD? YEP, I don’t know why but I loved it! I was soooo sore the first week, it was shocking, but in a good way. lol

Favorite WOD or movements? Handstands! Anything “handstandy” wall crawls, HSPU, and those swinging, ring, handstand, thingys we did!!! (yep, this lady really loves to be upside down!)


Least favorite WOD or Movements? Bar work, pull-ups and Knees to elbows!! UGGGG and Overhead work, but I kinda love/hate the OHS!!  (Kathie has honestly worked to hard.  She was lacking some flexibility with her squatting and has no become a true master!)

Favorite CrossFit Sting moment? Describe your experience here. Fav moment: Box jumps, and kipping handstand, and that flinging, swinging, ring handstand thingy!! My experience here……………….AWESOME, but I never talk about it!! hahahah Love the workout, love the coaches Danielle and Jess!! love the 6:30am crew, love handstands ( have I mentioned that) (We really need to Kathie as she has been a great supporter of the gym and helping to spread the word.  She is a hard worker and never, well rarely, complains.  Unless we try to change her diet and take away her sugar.  I think we have a new long term goal for you!)

Why do you CrossFit? I crossfit because it belongs to me, I get what I give, and I love that! (and my arms are gettin tight, but I never show anyone in my family my awesome tricep hahahahah) Ohh and I want to be strong enough to garden until I die! (Kathie not only comes in and does the WOD at the 6:30am class but she then leaves and meets her husband to hit the Greenway almost daily.  Full of energy this woman.)

Tell us something new about you that we don’t already know? My Hubby and I love Halloween, we turn the entire front yard into a graveyard! Its awesome, ya’ll should really do a drive by in late October!  (Hmmm…..I foresee a Halloween party at Kathie’s house!  I think I can also count on her to wear a costume to WOD in too!)

Athlete Profile

Meet member Andrea!


Name: Andrea Cocco

Age: 22

Occupation: Nursing Student (Andrea had the pleasure of having Anna as her lab partner in nursing school, or is it that Anna had the pleasure of having Anna as her partner?)

Previous workout/exercise history before starting CrossFit? After playing softball in college I joined Lifetime fitness. I got so bored of doing the same thing every day that eventually I gave up on it.  (Anna was pretty persuasive too of getting Andrea out of that other gym and into CrossFit.)

CrossFitting Since: November 2012

How did you learn about CrossFit Sting? The infamous Anna Bullis (yep, I have already mentioned her twice!)

Was it love at first WOD? Not really. Kettlebells and running don’t exactly tug at my heartstrings. But after my first weight lifting WOD, I was hooked.

Favorite WOD or movements? Anything with weightlifting (shocker.. I know) But specifically I like squats and cleans.  (See pictures above, the girl is a total beast and has progressed so fast!  None of us can keep up with the numbers she continues to post.)

Least favorite WOD or Movements? Running, rowing, wallballs…pretty much anything that gives tall people an advantage.

Favorite CrossFit Sting moment? Describe your experience here. Seeing Anna wet her pants after doing a WOD with double unders. I haven’t laughed that hard in a while.  (Hey, it happens!  In fact there was a pretty funny video circulating this week about it. I also know for a fact that it has happened to many of our members on a weekly basis.  Just wait until you have kids Miss 21 year old.)

Why do you CrossFit? I get stressed easily from nursing school, so Crossfit is perfect. There is nothing better to make you forget about nursing interventions than not being able to breathe.

Tell us something new about you that we don’t already know? Most people don’t know that I have been sewing part time for my neighbors business since I was a freshman in high school.  (Yes, beastly little Andrea not only sews but she has a pet rabbit too!  She also has overcome her hatred for running, well not really, but she did complete her first 5K recently.  Proud of you Andrea!)

Athlete Profile

Meet member Sheila!

Before we meet Sheila and read her profile I just want to take a moment to explain what a truly amazing person she is. Back in January she emailed us and explained her situation and her desperate need to get in shape. We exchanged a few emails and then she just showed up to talk in person and check out the box a day before her scheduled intro. Let’s just say I was as nervous as she was. I was nervous about her putting her trust in us. She had already committed to clean eating and now needed to add in exercise. She explained a little about her lifestyle and then we got to know even more about her. This woman is nothing short of amazing. Not only does she have huge workout goals BUT…..this is a woman that works full-time, goes to school full-time and will receive her Bachelor’s Degree in September (ahead of schedule), is a mother to 5 children and a single parent. This lady legitimately COULD use every excuse in the book…..I am too out of shape for CrossFit, I am too busy, I am too old to get in shape, my kids are busy, I can’t afford the gym, I can’t afford healthy foods, my schedule doesn’t allow me to get to a gym, I have a bad knee (in fact she had surgery in March on a Thursday and was back in the gym on MONDAY) and on and on and on. She has NEVER, EVER used any of these excuses!  Next time YOU have an excuse think of this lady who is busting her ass off (literally as you will see in the pictures) day in and day out! She has NEVER quit a WOD and never says “I can’t”. Rock on Sheila all your CrossFit Sting family loves and supports you 100%.

Name: Sheila Algammaz

Age: 47

Occupation: Phlebotomist

Previous workout/exercise history before starting CrossFit? Coach Potato

CrossFitting Since: January 2013

How did you learn about CrossFit Sting? My Brother in New York has been a CrossFitter for 4 yrs. He sent me a link and when I liked the site, a link to CrossFit Sting was sent to me.

Was it love at first WOD? Not so much love, but an obsession after the first week.  (Sheila was amazing during her intro WOD.  She was wheezing, beat red and out of breath but refused to stop.  I think I actually had to demand that she take a few seconds to catch her breath and then finish.  I am happy to report the wheezing only lasted about 2 weeks.  The human body is amazing and the changes have been so fast.)

Favorite WOD or movements? Michael is my favorite because it was my first RX and now that I can do burpees I actually like them……Don’t tell anyone that please!!!  (She is also deadlifting 265#, front squatting 165#, doing box jumps, handstands, running in 5k races and too many more impressive things to list.) 

Least favorite WOD or Movements? Wall Balls due to my height deficit!!!!  (Sheila is not even 5 feet tall, I think.)

Favorite CrossFit Sting moment? I was the last to finish the WOD and I had 15 burpees left, everyone completed my burpees with me!!! It was really an emotional moment for me!!  (Of course, now Sheila is the pro and is the first to pay that forward and do extra work to help another CrossFitter finish the WOD.)

Describe your experience here. My experience at CrossFit Sting has been AMAZING!!! I have started a journey to a new beginning with a large amount to weight to lose and I literally feel like CrossFit Sting has saved my life!!!! Beautiful friendships have been built, and I could not have done this without Jessica and Danielle. After my intro WOD I think Danielle may have thought I may not return, now I can’t get enough.  (See above…before the intro WOD I was skeptical but from day 1 I had, and continue to have, no doubt in my mind that this lady is the most determined member we have and will meet all her goals.)

Why do you CrossFit? Because I want to be healthy and a great role model for my kids…..Plus strong is the new sexy.  (She is a HUGE role model to everyone in the gym.  Also, her daughter Ebony is  now a member and the two of them are WODing together.  It is awesome!)

Tell us something new about you that we don’t already know? I have my CDL drivers license, not a truck driver but I used to drive a school bus.  (Again, there is so much to this lady and I have a feeling that we will be doing a repeat on introducing her to everyone as she continues this journey to being a stronger, healthier person.  She was strong on the inside when she came to us and now she is becoming strong on the outside……and a lot smaller!  Good things come in small packages and we think we will keep this one!)


The incredible shrinking woman.
The incredible shrinking woman.
Athlete Profile

Meet member Cammie!

Name: Cammie Stair

Age: 32

Occupation: SAHM (stay at home mom)

Previous workout/exercise history before starting CrossFit? I played soccer pretty much my entire life and even played on a few adult coed teams before having the little ones! I’ve also done the traditional big corporate gym; LifeTime, Bally Total Fitness, YMCA, etc. I’ve done group fitness classes and even Bikram yoga for a bit!

CrossFitting Since: January 2013

How did you learn about CrossFit Sting? My fabulous neighbors!! I kept watching Traci Gilbertson transform into this powerhouse and thought man, I gotta try this out 😉 But, I have to admit it took me a while to build up the courage to ask her about it.  (We got a weekly play by play from Traci about her “neighbor” and are happy that you took the plunge.)

Was it love at first WOD? YES!!!!!! I walked like a robot for the entire weekend after my intro. But, I loved everything about it!!  (This seems to be VERY common among new members.)

Favorite WOD or movements?  I really like Turkish get ups…there’s something about those that just make me smile (seriously smiling is not a usual CrossFit face for me) ;). I like the Hero WODS as well…they are so mentally challenging and I really like that.

Least favorite WOD or Movements? Rope Climbs and those STINKING rings!!!! Me and the rings just aren’t friends…yet! I feel like a flimsy wet noodle every time I do a ring dip.  (Cammie just had a breakthrough last week and was not only able to hold herself on the rings but did an L sit hold and for more than a second or two!)

Favorite CrossFit Sting moment? There are so many! First box jump, the week I could finally decipher every acronym on the entire whiteboard, and the first time that I actually RX’d a WOD with weight!! But, I have to say my all time favorite was my second WOD….I was the last to finish, but felt like a champ with all of the support I received from everyone around me. This was the moment that I knew CrossFit Sting was my “place”!!  (Cammie has become quite the CrossFitter in such a short time.  She always listens and is able to do exactly what we say.  You can tell that her athletic background has helped her be able to pick up the movements quickly.  This is a plus but not needed to try out CrossFit.)

Describe your experience here.  CrossFit Sting has been such an amazing experience. I remember feeling very defeated right around week 3 or 4…I felt so wimpy compared to my fellow Hens!! But, if Danielle and Jessica have taught me anything it’s that you are your own worst enemy!! I slowly started to see these improvements in everything I was doing and truly believing that there’s nothing stopping me from getting stronger and faster! CrossFit has become an addiction 😉


Why do you CrossFit? It’s my release! I feel like as we grow in life we become so many different people; sisters, daughters, friends, wives, mothers…and it’s sometimes hard to stay connected with the person you were before all of that!! Its like the ultimate “me” time (as horribly selfish as that may sound). Oh and the physical benefits are awesome 😉  (Here is a little secret….Cammie was just on vacation and sent us a picture of her in her bikini that she said was all due to CrossFit!  She rocked it and looked so awesome.  Your hard work and healthy eating is paying off.)

Wow!   Compare this to the Deadlift "before" picture.
Wow! Compare this to the Deadlift “before” picture.

Tell us something new about you that we don’t already know? My hubby and I were married in Las Vegas by Elvis!!! No we didn’t elope… We had about 50 of our closest friends and relatives there to celebrate with us! It was a very entertaining Blue Hawaiian wedding!!!  (This is just soooo cool!  Check them out…..)
