
When Life Gets Tough….

It’s been a while since we’ve blogged so we thought we would! As some of you know and some may not, we have a lot going on in our personal lives with sick parents and starting tomorrow helping them move into a new house. This has been the hardest year for us by far. We aren’t writing this to look for sympathy or attention. In fact, we are pretty private about it all which is why not many are even aware what has been transpiring in the last 6-12 months. The reason I felt compelled to write this is because we ALL have stress in our lives and at some point use it to make excuses as to why we can’t do something. Sometimes it still sneaks up on us and some of you notice but we try to maintain our routine and just live in the moment.

We all go through this and we can all come up with a million reasons to fall off the wagon with eating and exercise. It’s just as hard for us as coaches and trainers to make sure we do our workouts and eat right. We too fall off the wagon but just need to make sure it’s not for too long. Just because we are in the gym all day it is still hard to forget about the stresses of our own personal life and running a business and put our health first. The bottom line is that stress is a horrible thing and effects you in a lot of negative ways. In fact, I would say it mostly and maybe even only, effects you negatively.

So, if you feel the excuses that; work is too demanding, the kids have so much going on, we are moving, I have to take care of my parents/spouse/child, I don’t feel well and every other excuse out there, let it help you to make a positive change. Tell your boss how much more productive you will be if you can get that exercise in, let your kids know that you need your “me” time just as much as they need time with you, stop making the excuses and get back to it. Don’t beat yourself up but just move on, tomorrow is a new day. If you need to change from morning classes to evening classes or vice versa do it. It might not be easy at first to get up at 6am but if that’s what it takes to get those endorphins going then do it. I know I try to mix up my workout times. You will be much better at handling the stressors that come at you, and believe me there will ALWAYS be something that stresses you out. Just make time for yourself and don’t let it effect you all day everyday.

Let’s face it when the clock goes off in the gym and you hear, “3,2,1…go” you aren’t thinking about all that other stuff, you’re mostly thinking, “how am I going to survive this WOD!” This is why we come into CrossFit Sting just as much as we do do get in good physical shape, look good naked, and be fit. Don’t forget that you need to be mentally fit and tough to handle all of the things that life throws at you. Most of us all know this and those that are not a part of our “cult” don’t understand that a WOD is like a form of meditation as well as a therapy session. We have a whole community of people to lean on.

We will be starting our next Healthy Eating Challenge (HEC) in the next few weeks and we think the best time to start would be when the kids go back to school and vacations have come to end. So, we are thinking the second week of August would be a good time to start and we will have some new and exciting changes to keep it fun and interesting! Thanks for being part of the best CrossFit community around!

2 replies on “When Life Gets Tough….”

what a great post, ladies!!! i always bitch and complain about how much i hate mornings and there have been some days where i [surprisingly] get my butt out of bed and make it to that 630am class so i can get my wod in for the day. it really does become a therapy/stress relieving session for me, though. it’s that one hour of the day to be with the most AMAZING group of people and get away from the other crap in life. Love you two!!!

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