Athlete Profile

Athlete Profile – Hannah!


Name: Hannah

Age: 35

Occupation: Preschool teacher

Previous workout/exercise history before starting CrossFit? I did circuit training for about a year then tried it on my own at a large gym. I was going about 3-4 times a week but didn’t see much progress.

CrossFitting Since: I started in Jan of 2015

How did you learn about CrossFit Sting? My boss/friend told me about it and talked me into going.

Was it love at first WOD? Yes it was! I love to lift weight but not a big fan of cardio and for me this is a great combination of the two.

Favorite WOD or movements? I love EMOTM!!! (That mean Evey Minute on the Minute) Love deadlifts, power cleans, over head squats

Least favorite WOD or Movements? Hate burpees!!!  (Make that ALL types of burees, right?)

Favorite CrossFit Sting moment? Describe your experience here.
The moment you think you can’t do something and then everyone is cheering you on and your coaches are telling you that you can! This was squat cleans for me and my last PR was 105, I knew I could do more just had to remember to squat under the bar. After multiple attempts and extra coaching I finally got 115lb!!! I was sooo excited.

Why do you CrossFit? I love it! It pushes me to do more. I always leave feeling like I’ve had the best workout. I’m seeing results in my body that I’ve wanted for a long time and I love my crossfit family! And it’s fun!!!

Tell us something new about you that we don’t already know? Over the past couple of years I have struggled with finding myself and being happy again. After 3 kids and a divorce my weight has been on a roller coaster ride along with my self esteem. Finding crossfit has been the best thing for me. I have found my happy place, my balance in life, and my body is on its way to being what I want it to be. I’m a happier and healthier person for my kids and myself.

hannah family

Love all of this and we are so happy that you have found CrossFit Sting.  Your last statement is what it is ALL about, “I’m a happier and healthier person for my kids and myself.”  


WOD for December 18, 2014 – Sandy Hook WOD

Strength/Skill: 10 parallette pass throughs and 20 sit ups for 3 rounds


WOD: Sandy Hook WOD
26 KBS (70/53)
25 DUs
26 Box Jumps (30/24)
26 DUs
26 Pull-ups
26 DUs
26 Power Cleans (136/95)
26 DUs
26 Jerks
26 DUs

Athlete Profile

Why should I compete?

So, we just finished hosting and running the second annual Winter WODerland competition. Not only did we have seven members compete, we also had many of our members come out to cheer as well as help run the event. Here are the competitors from CrossFit Sting:
ww group

Why should I complete? I will be the first to admit that competition isn’t for everyone. Or is it? When you hear the word “competition” you immediately think of winning and losing, a clear winner among two or more people. For some people this is truly why they compete. They want the title of being the ultimate winner, they want the bragging rights, the prize. That tangible prize, just like living to make a lot of money and have material things is not what will make you happy. The more I am involved in CrossFit the more I have seen and learned to compete with myself and not those around me. To not be better than someone else but to better myself. In fact, one of our own members said to me yesterday, “I don’t compete to win, I know I am not the fastest or strongest but I have my own goals for each competition that I set and try to achieve them.” How awesome is this? She said she was even in line waiting for her heat and asking those around her what their goals were. Cammie you are so amazing! I hope they learned something from you. Here she is meeting her goal in a competition in April.

If you are only signing up to compete to win and come away with the top prize then be prepared to be let down. We can’t all pitch a perfect game, one team or individual cannot win 100% of the time. We don’t all win and we don’t all get a trophy, sorry kids of today. You can however set goals and work on them, even in a competition. Maybe the first goal is to just sign up and follow through and actually compete that day, without throwing up. I am kidding about the throwing up, well sort of. CrossFit competitions are like no other. Everyone is cheering for everyone. The person in last place usually gets the most people cheering the loudest for them. It still amazes me when I see this. So, next time the opportunity presents itself think hard about stepping out of your comfort zone and seeing what a competition is like. Set a goal for that competition and be happy to meet that goal. I promise you will have fun, learn a little something about yourself and it might make you a little less competitive in chasing just that materialistic prize.

If this guy has no excuses than neither should you! He competed in the scaled division Saturday with no difficulties. Here he is snatching 75# for 20reps with one arm! Follow him on instagram @sngl_handedly! Photo credit FotoLab Photography and Design.


Here are a few more pictures of the competitors having fun:







Here is a link to more pictures..